Meet Our Mentors

Our mentors for Journey International Ministry (JIM, for short!) are Sam and Carol. We’re excited to meet you!

Name: Carol

Hometown: Beijing, China

Occupation: Dual master’s degree student in Environmental Studies and Public Health @ UPenn

My not-so-super power: Laughing to death at things other people don't find funny at all

Three-sentence testimony: When I was younger, I always wondered if there is anything beyond this world, and the atheistic answer "no" made me feel very scared of death and lost about the ultimate meaning of my life. Coming to college, I learned that Christianity is not a myth as I had assumed, but that it is backed up by logic, reasoning, and historical evidence. The Christian God is the source of my hope and joy for life now, and He gives me a purpose that I have been looking for since my childhood.

Name: Samuel

Hometown: California, US (near Silicon Valley)

Occupation: Software Engineer @ Amazon

My not-so-super power: Even Carol probably can’t remember all the cities and states I’ve lived in

Three-sentence testimony: Growing up, I was often called the nice guy, but I learned that the Bible says I am a “sinner” who needs God’s forgiveness. This was the most true statement I had heard in my life, because I knew that, if he existed, God must know everything about me—all my thoughts, secrets, and mistakes. I fell in love with Jesus, because he loves me despite my sinfulness, and is able to forgive and change me.