Understanding the Limitations of ISSS for International Students at UPenn and Drexel


Studying abroad presents an exciting opportunity for international students to pursue their academic aspirations and immerse themselves in a new cultural environment. At both the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and Drexel University, the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) play a vital role in supporting the international student community. These offices offer a wide array of services to facilitate a smooth transition and foster academic success. However, it is equally important for international students to be aware of the limitations of the ISSS. In this article, we will explore what the ISSS cannot provide, empowering international students to seek appropriate assistance and make the most of their time at UPenn and Drexel.

1. Personalized Legal Advice:

While the ISSS at both universities is well-versed in immigration matters, they cannot provide personalized legal advice beyond visa and immigration regulations. Students facing complex legal issues unrelated to immigration should seek counsel from qualified legal professionals.

2. Financial Aid and Scholarships:

The ISSS can offer guidance on available financial resources and scholarship opportunities for international students. However, they are not authorized to grant financial aid or scholarships directly. International students should consult the respective university's Financial Aid Office for specific financial assistance inquiries.

3. English Language Proficiency Courses:

Although the ISSS offices at UPenn and Drexel provide academic support, they do not offer formal English language proficiency courses. International students seeking to improve their English language skills should explore language programs provided by the universities' English Language Centers or external language institutes.

4. Housing Placement:

While the ISSS can provide information about housing options, they do not directly manage housing placements. International students should contact the Housing Offices at UPenn and Drexel for assistance with housing assignments and inquiries.

5. Employment Placement:

The ISSS can advise on visa-related employment matters, such as Optional Practical Training (OPT) and Curricular Practical Training (CPT). However, they are not involved in job placement services. International students looking for employment opportunities should leverage resources offered by the universities' Career Services offices.

6. Personal Counseling Services:

While the ISSS prioritizes the well-being of international students, they do not provide personal counseling services. International students in need of counseling or mental health support should utilize the resources offered by the universities' Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or similar services.


The ISSS offices at the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and assistance to international students. By understanding the limitations of the ISSS, international students can better navigate their academic journey. While the ISSS excels in immigration advising, cultural integration, and academic support, they cannot provide personalized legal advice, financial aid, English language courses, housing placement, employment placement, or personal counseling services. Armed with this knowledge, international students can seek appropriate help from specialized offices and resources available at UPenn and Drexel, ensuring a fulfilling and successful experience during their time abroad.