A Guide to Cultural Adjustment for International Students at UPenn and Drexel


Congratulations on embarking on your academic journey at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) or Drexel University! As an international student, adjusting to life in Philadelphia and the American university system may present exciting opportunities and unique challenges. Culturally adapting to a new environment can be a rewarding experience, leading to personal growth and enriching interactions. In this article, we'll provide you with valuable tips on how to get culturally adjusted to Philadelphia and university life in America as an international student.

1. Embrace the New Environment:

Entering a new culture can be overwhelming, but stay open to embracing the experience. Embrace the diversity around you and view cultural differences as opportunities to learn and grow.

2. Participate in Orientation Programs:

Attend the orientation programs offered by UPenn and Drexel. These programs are designed to familiarize you with campus life, academic resources, and cultural integration programs. Participate actively and take this opportunity to make new friends.

3. Engage in Campus Activities:

Join student organizations and clubs that interest you. Engaging in extracurricular activities will allow you to meet like-minded individuals and establish connections within the university community.

4. Cultural Exchange:

Seek out cultural exchange programs or language partners. Interacting with American students and engaging in language exchange will not only improve your language skills but also offer insights into American culture.

5. Learn about American Holidays:

Familiarize yourself with major American holidays and traditions. Celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving and Independence Day with local students and experience American culture firsthand.

6. Attend Intercultural Workshops:

Many universities offer intercultural workshops to help international students adapt to a new cultural context. Attend these workshops to better understand American customs and social norms.

7. Ask Questions and Seek Understanding:

If you encounter something unfamiliar or don't understand a cultural practice, don't hesitate to ask questions. American students are generally open to sharing their culture and explaining traditions.

8. Be Patient with Yourself:

Cultural adjustment takes time, so be patient with yourself. Understand that it's normal to experience moments of homesickness or culture shock. Take small steps each day to adapt and immerse yourself in the new culture.


Cultural adjustment as an international student in Philadelphia and the American university system is a transformative journey that allows you to broaden your horizons and grow as an individual. Embrace the diversity and cultural richness around you, and remember that your unique background and experiences contribute to the vibrant fabric of the university community. By actively participating in campus life, engaging in intercultural exchange, and seeking support when needed, you'll find yourself navigating cultural adjustment with confidence and creating lasting memories during your academic journey at UPenn or Drexel.