Who we are

Journey International Ministry (JIM) is a Christian group for international students in University City, Philadelphia. We’re affiliated with Story College Church.

We recognize how hard it is for new international students to feel at home in a new country, so we do our best to provide a home away from home. We want to be a place where students can come, study the Bible, and grow in our faith together. In addition, we have fun, eat good food, and go through the ups and downs of life together. Join us! Every student is welcome!

Discussing questions about life

College is a time where we grow up and we’re formed as people. We develop opinions and convictions, and try to find our path as people. Because we believe that there is more to life than good grades, money, comfort, and pleasure, we like to discuss questions like: Does life have inherent purpose? Does God exist and if he does does it matter? Is it possible to verify whether or not Christianity, or any religion for that matter, is true?

Connect with us!

We can always be reached at journey.philadelphia @gmail.com 😊

If you’re a Philadelphia student and interested in hearing more, you also can fill out our Connect form.


Meet Our Mentors

Our mentors for Journey International Ministry (JIM, for short!) are Andrew, Angela, Sam, and Carol. We’re excited to meet you!